Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Thankyou 2018 for being so FANTASTIC!! 

I got diagnosed from my doctor for serious illness which i don't pay attention at first, because of my lifestyle and first resolution in 2018 was change my lifestyle. Trying a healthy lifestyle and skip hangout with smoker friends and no more clubbing, i quit being friend to some toxic friendships. In January i met my baby 💓
I made short decision, met some friends and flew to Bali and then traveling for a week in Sumba island. On February .. i was robbed, my phone lost and i am traumatized till now 😞
It was a scary night. Huft!
I go camping and hiking to Tanralili lake in Malino with some good friends of mine. 

I flew to Sorong, traveling and diving for a week in Misool, Papua 😍
Met @satyawinnie for the first time in Losari .. i pickep up her after traveling from Toraja 🤗🤗
And met @kataomed for the first time. He already Travelling around Indonesia. You guys should follow them both 😍
And in May .. having funtimes hopping island with my friends to Samalona & Kodingarengkeke island. On May, I join @photoshootmks .. i need to learn photography bcz my photo is bad 🤣🤣
I flew to Ambon and solo traveling to Ora beach and meet new friends on Kei Island, South East Mollucas. On June, first time for me to do photography trip 'Sitobo Lalang Lipa' with my friends in Malino. .
I got my scubadiving lisence. Finally i am a diver, so happy!
Having a weekend getaway in Rammang-rammang with my friends, we stayed overnight to see milkyway and beautiful sunrise in Rammang-rammang 💓💓
Diving in Samalona and camping in Cangke island.
Finally i met my idol @marischkaprue & @sefiiin , it was funny moment, when i told them, i am the winner of their giveaway. 😆😆😆
Thankyouuu kak Prue .. inviting me being your friend while traveling in Makassar
on October .. @satyawinnie invited me to company her in Adira Festival Pesona Lokal in Makassar as blogger and met @yusni_mustafa .. WOW ..she is a very talented videografer 😍
Then going to Bulukumba, camping and rapelling ini Dego-dego Na Bira

November i got free tickets from @iwashere and @citilink ini Makassar International writer festival 2018, and i choose flew to Medan .. and flew to Banda Aceh. Diving in Weh island and Travelling with Rahpia Orphanage kids to Brastagi, North Sumatera. i was so happy finally toilet them to short vacation again. On December .. going nowhere but i got new lenses for my birthday gift 😍😍😍😍😍😍😘 .. thankyou God for all experiences 2018.

2018, i wrote 58 blogspots and still 17 drafts waiting to be finished 😂😂😅 .. thankyou again 2018 😘😘😘

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